Cutting through the uncertainty of COVID-19 with insight



At a time of uncertainty, information is vital

There’s no doubt that the impact of this coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has changed the retail landscape, and its effects will be felt for a long time to come. Whilst no one can predict when things will return to ‘normal’ at a time of such uncertainty, we believe the most powerful thing for any business is information. Up to date and accurate information is vital for making informed decisions for your business and evolving your strategy in line with a rapidly changing market.

Separating fact from speculation

With many businesses offering varying opinions and speculating on the impact COVID-19, it’s difficult to know who or what to pay attention to, adding greater confusion to an already challenging time. At Auto Trader, we’re committed to providing our retailer partners with clear, accurate and detailed information, based on fact. Thanks to our unrivalled scale and investment in data capabilities, our data scientists can produce real-time market intelligence based on millions of observations from across our marketplace and the wider industry.

As always, our objective in providing this information is to help our customers increase profit, by improving the buying journey and removing inefficiencies, as well as stocking the right vehicles for their forecourt and pricing them correctly. However, during the current COVID-19 epidemic, we hope it will bring you a level of clarity and understanding that will ensure your business is in the very best position to return to full operation – and profit – once the current restrictions have been lifted. 

We’re bringing insight to uncertainty

We’re delivering this insight in a number of ways. Our Auto Trader Insight social media channels - @ATInsight on Twitter and Auto Trader Insight on LinkedIn – continue to provide the latest news and market insights, but we’ve also introduced a weekly webinar designed to provide retailers with the information they need to navigate these unprecedented challenges.

Every Wednesday at 10:00 am, our panel of experts from across Auto Trader and industry guests, present the latest intelligence and developments, as well as discussing the most topical issues such as government financial support, the rules and regulations surrounding distance selling, and what’s happening in other markets. 

You can find the insights discussed during the webinar on our dedicated Auto Trader Insight Blog, where you can sign up for forthcoming sessions and watch previous editions on demand. You’ll also be able to access our dedicated COVID-19 support page.

Along with the financial support of removing package fees in April and for as long as lockdown lasts in May, we do hope you find this content beneficial for you, your colleagues and your business during this incredibly challenging time.

Be on the front foot by joining our weekly webinars

So, make sure you and your business is up to date and on the front foot, by following Auto Trader Insight on social media, and joining us every Wednesday from 10:00 am. Tune in live or catch up on demand by registering here:


Supporting automotive brands during the COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ (and beyond)


Auto Trader COVID-19 support extended into May