How will Auto Trader continue to support its customers amidst COVID-19?

In the words of Darren Moon, Auto Trader Sales Director…

“Everyone at Auto Trader is committed to helping retailers and the industry navigate through this challenging period. We would like to assure you that our business is still fully operational, and that our Retailer Support teams are all set-up remotely and ready to answer your questions. You can contact them by email anytime or on their usual contact numbers between the hours of 9am-5.30pm.

We would also like to take this opportunity to urge you to follow Government guidelines. Employee wellbeing and the safety of the general public should be paramount at this time. To put your business in the best possible position when the market begins to recover, you should ensure your online forecourt and reviews are up to the best possible standard. Keep responding to your leads and make sure that when this does lift, you can hit the ground running and take advantage of pent up demand.”

Darren, along with numerous other Auto Trader experts and Mike Jones, Chairman of ASE Global in our recent webinar. Click here to watch it any time on demand, or read more about the key themes in our next blog post - The 4 most common questions you asked


The 4 most common questions you asked in this week’s webinar…


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