How can I engage buyers with my adverts?

In a previous blog we looked at what you can do to attract more buyers to your adverts on Auto Trader. But once you have a buyer on your advert, what can you do to make sure they stay engaged with your advert, increasing the likelihood that their search turns into a sale?

The first impression

Remember that for most prospective buyers the first impression they get of your business is through your advert so make sure you treat your adverts with the same care and attention that you would give to vehicles on your forecourt – taking high quality images of each vehicle that show them at their very best.

As well as images, video is also a key tool you can use to keep buyers on your adverts for longer with buyers on Auto Trader spending an average of 60 seconds more on an advert with a video compared to those with no videos. Those 60 seconds could well be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.

To take it one step further and offer a more personalised service, why not enable live video? This allows a buyer to request a live video call, allowing them to ask all the questions they normally would with a forecourt viewing, whilst providing an opportunity for your sales team to show them the spec of the vehicle and benefits of the deal. You can activate this feature through portal and the request button will be automatically added to your adverts.

The personalised experience

Speaking of personalised, make sure you give your buyers the opportunity to contact you however they like, whether it be through live chat, text and email. Remember that many buyers browse outside of your hours or like to have the option of asking a question via live chat rather than a phone call. To help, you can use Auto Trader text and live chat functions to allow your customers to speak to you when it is convenient to them, helping to generate more potential leads.

Creating your Retailer Store

To help ensure that buyers are engaged with your adverts for even longer, we’ve developed unveiled Retailer Stores, an all-new way for you to showcase your brand to buyers on Auto Trader.

Retailer stores will allow you to create and customise your own digital storefront on Auto Trader to help drive buyer engagement with both your stock and brand whilst giving you the opportunity to sell your vehicles in a forecourt view, whilst showcasing the best of your brand and business to build credibility and trust with buyers.

Retailer stores launch the week of the 22nd of February, but you can log onto Portal and start creating your store now, using some of the hints and tips in this blog to ensure they keep buyers engaged for longer.

The cycle of reviews

With every sale, you should be asking buyers to leave a review of their experience with you. This helps to build trust and credibility with future buyers and, with 93% of buyers saying that reviews impact their purchase decision [1], is one of the primary pieces of information that buyers will use to make a purchase decision. Reviews are free as part of your Auto Trader package and the more you generate and, crucially, the more you respond to, the more likely you are to be Highly Rated on Auto Trader.

For more information on how to keep turning searches to sales click here.




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