Our response to COVID-19

In these unprecedented times I am determined that we at Auto Trader do as much as we can to support the industry and protect your business. To demonstrate this:

Advertising all vehicles on Auto Trader will be free for all our contract customers in April and your payment terms for March will be extended.

As I speak to our people, Account Managers and many of our customers, I feel a personal responsibility to help us get through this together. All businesses, our own included, need to navigate what is a highly uncertain environment. We are committed to do what we can to help your business operate in this challenging market.

Free advertising for all vehicles on Auto Trader in April

Advertising your stock is still important. If people are not seeing your vehicles then it will be even harder to sell them. The best way I think we can support you is to make your current advertising free for the whole of April. That's for new and used cars, vans and other vehicles. We'll keep it simple. Your adverts will be free.

Extended payment terms

I'm sure that worrying about paying your Auto Trader bill isn't something you need right now. To help you with your cashflow, you will have an extra 30 days to pay for your March advertising and products.

If you have a pending downgrade or cancellation, please get in touch with us so we can explain more about this support.

Auto Trader remains committed to helping you get through this difficult period. Our teams are now working from home but are still on the phone if you need any help or want to know more about how we are supporting the industry.

Best wishes,

Nathan Coe (CEO)


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