RPM: Retailer Performance Masterclasses launch next week

Some of you may know that pre-Covid, we ran bi-weekly masterclasses at venues across the UK. From Aberdeen to Southampton, Belfast to Birmingham, these half day sessions were designed to help retailers make the best of their investment with Auto Trader. When analysing data from attendees we found that after attending, retailers went on to make an additional £24,000 of profit per year on average… not to be sniffed at. For reasons you’ll be well aware of, 50-100 dealers in one room in close proximity isn’t possible at the moment and is looking unlikely until potentially March 2021 at the earliest. But, rest assured, as soon as it is safe to get out face to face with our customers again… we will.

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Until then, we’re launching something very exciting next week. RPM, our new online masterclass hub. “RPM” stands for Retailer Performance Masterclasses and has been purpose built and designed to fit around your schedule with bitesize videos, each around 5 minutes in length which guide you through the latest in Auto Trader insight and best practice. Available on demand via your portal account, you can navigate the modules in your own time. By completing the entire course you’ll get an RPM certification so you and your employer will know you are up to speed on how to get best from your online presence with Auto Trader.

Launching with 6 modules covering the essentials of automotive retail, there’s plenty to get through…but each month we will be launching new modules, so you are always on the leading edge with insights from our best performing and award-winning retailers.

The initial six modules will cover:

  • Lead Management – Research from our mystery shopping programme showing what works well when handling leads

  • Advertising – Covers the core tenets of marketing best practice from images to video and everything in between

  • Dynamic Pricing – How to use data to position your stock in the right place on Day 1 and adapt each day

  • Stock Sourcing – How to identify the right stock for your forecourt and decide what to pay for it

  • Setting a Strategy – How to set your business up for success and what are the key metrics you should keep an eye on

  • New Car - How to get your new car stock seen by millions, specifically for franchise customers


RPM launches on Wednesday 7th October

Save the date!

I’m really excited about reaching more customers than ever with tips & insights that are proven to help sell more cars, more profitably and faster than ever before. I’m so proud of the team that has worked on this project night and day to get it launched to our retailers in record time. Ensuring we didn’t let COVID get in the way of helping our retailers continue to succeed in challenging and ever-changing times.

Before the end of year we’ve got exciting new modules planned including bespoke content for our Bike, Commercial Vehicle and Leisure retailers too.

You’ll be able to access it directly from Portal and through our trade website but don’t worry, there’ll be more details on that next week.

For more information and a taster of what’s to come, check out the video below.

If you’ve got any questions, let us know in the comments below.


Six key recommendations for retailers to be thinking about now, from Daksh Gupta and Nathan Coe


September update from Nathan Coe, Auto Trader CEO