Deal Builder Product Update – Spring 2024

What’s new with Deal Builder so far in 2024?

We're constantly working to improve our Deal Builder product to deliver the best experience possible for both retailers and car buyers. Here’s a few of the new features we’ve been working on in the background over the last few months…

A new cross-platform start/stop consumer experience

We recently launched a new cross platform experience which allows a user to start their Deal on one device, e.g. their smartphone, then seamlessly continue building their Deal on another device, e.g. their tablet, or return to the same device at a later date. This is a big step forward in providing a seamless digital buying experience on Auto Trader.

As part of this experience, we’ve also introduced push notifications for app users to nudge them back towards completing their deal through the app, or another device.


Maximising phone number capture from buyers

We’ve updated our contact detail capture screen in Deal Builder to increase phone number capture from consumers. Meaning retailers have as much contact information as possible for their potential buyers, to maximise the chance of completing a sale.


Discretionary 3-month warranties on sub £2,000 vehicles

After receiving feedback from retailers, vehicles listed for less than £2,000 on Deal Builder no longer require a 3-month warranty to be provided by the retailer. These types of warranties can now be offered at a retailer’s discretion. This change is reflected on vehicle adverts below £2,000 and anywhere a 3-month warranty as is mentioned as part of Deal Builder.


Moving to a 7-day completion deadline for consumers

We’ve now introduced a 7-day completion timeframe for buyers who start a deal on a vehicle but don’t complete their reservation, previously this was 90 days. This includes new reminder notifications to nudge the buyer back towards completing their deal, to increase the chances of a buyer converting from a started deal.


‘New message’ notifications to your email inbox

Following feedback from retailers, we’ve added a new email notification to let retailers know when a customer has sent a new message about a deal or replied to a message you’ve sent, so these can be responded to quicker, increasing the chance of conversion to sale.


These improvements have all been designed to provide a more seamless journey for your customers whilst driving greater efficiency within your business. They come as part of the continuous enhancements that we are making to the Deal Builder journey to create the best possible experience for retailers and car buyers.

If you’d like to work with us to further improve the Deal Builder journey, please reach out to your account manager to provide your feedback.

Need a hand with understanding how Deal Builder works?


Enabling retailers to deliver the benefits of omnichannel retailing: Our learnings 12-months into Deal Builder


Displaying unreserved deals in Portal