An update from Auto Trader Bikes


By Rob Morphet, Director of Bike, Leisure and Commercial


I hope you’re all well and keeping safe. I updated you last week with some audience insight on our leisure and commercial vehicle channels, and I’d now like to delve specifically into bikes, as the trends we’re seeing here are significantly different to Auto Trader as a whole. Traffic to Auto Trader Bikes has been growing fairly steadily since the week following the Lockdown announcement and last week sessions were up 11% versus the previous week, meaning that sessions were up 4% and advert views up 10% versus the same time last year. As Richard mentioned in today’s webinar, this could be a result of last year being a sunny Easter weekend, where we always see a drop in audience, but in the current situation it feels like these numbers are an incredibly positive sign of things to come.

The green shoots have been further reinforced following a consumer survey specifically to motorcycle buyers, understanding purchase intent, with 1/3rd of bikers wanting to buy a bike in the next three months. Last week saw nearly 4,000 leads and over 1,100 calls to bike retailers, showing there is an engaged audience still out there. Nick Jordan, of Jordan Bikes in Leeds has given us some insight into the enquiries they’re still receiving and how they’re adapting to the current challenges:

“For a motorcycle dealer to be forced to close its doors during March and April, having just paid the bills throughout winter, is tough. To cut off our income just as the season starts is not good, and I’m sure will result in some dealers closing their doors permanently. We have adapted and are doing the best we can, replying to emails and trying to keep interest in our products, while working from home. Some days we reply to 150 emails. The customers are still out there wanting our products, our hands are just tied as to what we can provide right now. We’ve filled our eBay store with clothing so that income continues to come in. Myself and one salesman (two on rotation) have remained employed, the rest are furloughed.

“These are uncharted waters for all of us, and it is true that it is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent of the species which survives, but the one that is the most adaptable to change. We may all have to re-think how we advertise and sell, as it could be a long time before things get back to normal, if ever. Motorcycles are bought with the heart, not just the head, and so I can’t ever see the industry going completely online. Bikers like to touch and feel what they aspire to own, as well as being a very social bunch who enjoy gathering at dealerships on a sunny Saturday. Shopping habits are changing, but we can’t ever lose that personal contact with our customers. Otherwise we become just another faceless corporation, competing on nothing but price.”

Having spoken to many retailers over the last few weeks, the fact that this comes at the start of the peak season and the difficulties this poses for all businesses is clear to see. It does however feel like there is still opportunity out there, be that from buyers avoiding public transport, people incorporating home delivery into their customer offering or those purchasing a bike later in the year because of not being able to go on holiday. Philip Youles, Chair of the NMDA (National Motorcycle Dealer Association) recognises this and advises to use this time wisely and support each other: “A strong dealer network all promoting the advantages of two-wheeled travel is the best way forward for all of us”.

Over the coming weeks we’ll continue to update you and share insight from more bike retailers. Please continue to sign up for the weekly webinars and let us know if there are specific topics you’d like us to focus on. In the meantime, please continue to follow government guidelines, stay home and take care.


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