Further improvements to your adverts

By Marc McNeill, Customer Experience Director, Auto Trader


Back in June we introduced some significant improvements to our core search experience, including bigger images in mobile and removing standard format displays ads from desktop. This week we’re rolling out the next set of changes to our search experience, focusing on desktop.


These changes are:

 1.      Larger images: The main vehicle image is now 52% larger and we’ve reduced the number of smaller thumbnails.

2.      Removed partner advertising links: To keep buyers focused on your adverts, we’ve removed some links to external partners from the search listings.

3.      Information ‘badges’: We’re introducing a consistent way of highlighting information in search, like Price indicator, Finance, Admin fees and Manufacturer approved. These have been live on mobile for a few months.

4.      Removed ‘description’ on larger screens: On screens wider that 1024px we showed part of the vehicle description that is on the FPA. We have removed this so the experience is consistent across all devices and screen sizes. This does not affect the attention grabber which is shown across all platforms and is an important way to get your vehicles to stand out in search.


These changes are designed give consumers a better, more consistent experience across our platforms, and to increase the number of adverts that consumers view.


These changes build on the work we started in June and are part of a much longer-term journey we’re on to improve how consumers find their next car. If you have any feedback on these changes or anything else related to our search experience, we’d love to hear from you.


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