Introducing finance quotes - A more flexible finance journey for your customers

Consumers have come to expect choice and flexibility in how they buy a vehicle. And preferences for how much of the finance journey they want to complete online vary between buyers.

To meet these changing consumer expectations, we’re introducing an enhancement to the Deal Builder finance journey.

Enabling customers to attach finance quotes

To provide your customers with greater flexibility in their finance options, we’re enabling them to attach finance quotes to their deal without needing to complete a full finance application.

This will allow them to save their personal details and finance terms by attaching the quotes they received from your lenders at the time of submission. Meaning you can seamlessly pick up the process with the buyer at the time of purchase.

Additionally, this change means that customers will not need to complete a hard credit check to submit their deal.

The button to attach their quotes will be visible once they have entered their details and received quotes from your lenders.

This enhancement will be introduced to the Deal Builder journey next week, so you may start seeing some deals with finance quotes attached.

How do I manage a finance quote?

When you receive a deal with finance quotes attached, you will be able to go into the deal to generate the latest view of finance quotes available to the customer*.

If the customer would like to proceed with their finance application, you can select the desired quote to begin the process of creating a finance application for the customer.

*Note that these quotes may differ from the quotes the customer received at the time of submission. This may be due to a change in rates, change in lenders or any other change in circumstances.


As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or need help navigating these updates, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Deal Builder and help you drive more successful deals on Auto Trader.


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Deal Builder Update – Winter 2024/25