Changes to Performance Rating in the Stock API
As part of our continuous improvements to Auto Trader Connect, we are making some small enhancements to Performance Rating in the Stock API. These enhancements will provide Partners, and subsequently retailers with access to a breakdown of Performance Rating for a vehicle.
Performance Rating considers 3 parts of the buying journey - Search appearances, Advert views and Leads & connections. The breakdown will include sharing how the vehicle performed against each of these 3 parts. These will be in the form of the relevant Performance Rating categories: Low, Below average, Average, Above average and Excellent.
By making this change we will be bringing parity with what retailers have access to today in Portal and allow Partners to get a more detailed view of an advert’s performance.
The above image demonstrates how Performance Rating is displayed in Retailer Portal.
Today, Partners receive the overall performance rating, advert views (yesterday vs last 7 days) and search appearances (yesterday vs last 7 days). With the change we are enhancing this with the addition of the component parts that make up the overall performance rating; advert view rating, search view rating & lead count rating.
By providing this data to retailers within there own systems Partners can support retailers in understanding how their adverts are performing on Auto Trader so that they can adjust their advert depending on what area is underperforming.
More information about the change can be found in the developer documentation here
If you have any questions about this enhancement or would like help with making the change, please reach out to our Auto Trader Partner Team on: