Auto Trader Connect Partner Updates
Latest updates & recent changes
Stay up to date with everything Auto Trader Connect, this blog features the latest updates and anything in the pipeline.
Adding a new ‘reservationDealId’ field to the Stock API
Advisory notice of a new ‘reservationDealId’ field being added to the stock API.
Changes to Performance Rating in the Stock API
We are making a small improvement to the stock API to allow partners and retailers to access the breakdown of Performance Rating.
Updates to our breaking change policy
We are improving our transparency by offering classification of the types of changes we are making and introducing a breaking change policy.
Coming soon: Advertiser API
Introducing a new API service currently in BETA that allows partners to understand information about a given advertiser
Auto Trader Connect: Year in summary
Let’s look back at all the great new features that have been added to Auto Trader Connect in 2023 and look ahead to what’s coming up in 2024.
Improvements to vehicle history and condition on Auto Trader adverts
As we continue to improve Auto Trader for both retailers and their customers, we have introduced some changes to Auto Trader adverts to enable better vehicle history and condition transparency.
Changes to Basic Vehicle Checks within Auto Trader Connect
From 31st August 2023, we are introducing a change to our services that means insuranceWriteoffCategory data will no longer be available as part of basic vehicle checks.
Simplification of our API Platform
As part of our continuous efforts to simplify and improve our API integrations we’ve made some changes to how you access resources within the Auto Trader Connect Platform.
Reminder: Changes to the lifecycleState field
From the w/c 21st of August 2023 “SOLD” lifecycle status will begin to appear on stock records. To support our digital retailing capabilities, the “SOLD” value will be supported in the lifecycleState field.