Coming soon: Advertiser API

We have recently launched a new Advertiser API service that is currently in BETA. The new API allows partners to view and serve information about a given advertiser.

By introducing this new service Partners can better understand the complete list of Advertisers they are configured to access data for and get a view of additional information about each Advertiser. Allowing Partners to better support retailers in optimising their stock management.

A full breakdown of what the new API enables can be seen below:

List all advertisers configured with your integration

Partners will now be able to call a list of all advertised configured to their integration, allowing partners to confirm which advertisers they are permitted to act for.

View details about a given advertiser

Allows partners to view information about a given advertiser including Auto Trader account status. This can support troubleshooting in instances where data is unable to be retrieved for customers who are configured but have inactive accounts.

View an advertisers advert allowance

Partners can now view an advertisers Auto Trader advert allowance, enabling partners to optimise stock management by maintaining and accurate view of the net balance of adverts a given retailer is permitted to advertise on Auto Trader.

The Advertiser API is currently in BETA but if you would like to learn more about the service or would like to begin integrating it into to your systems please reach out to the Auto Trader Partner team on: who will be able to support you in managing your integration.


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