Reaching new audiences with Auto Trader’s Show on the Road podcast

Top 1% of podcasts in the UK

In June, we launched Show on the Road - Auto Trader's very first consumer facing podcast. Show on the Road takes the traditional celebrity podcast out of the studio and into the car for a road trip like no other.

Host, Alex Legouix, takes each guest on a (literal) trip down memory lane as they reveal the places and experiences that have brought them to where they are today.

We're now at the halfway point of the series, and have some excellent stats to share. Since launch, we're seeing on average 6,500 downloads per episode (and counting!), putting us in the top 1% of podcasts in the UK.


Reaching new audiences

We're successfully reaching new audiences, skewing 64% female and 56% under 44s. This is a huge step change in showing Auto Trader as the modern and relevant brand we are to consumers, and getting them to engage with Auto Trader in a new way, with TikTok, Instagram and YouTube channels proving best at driving audience to the podcast.

So far there's been 740,499 minutes spent listening to the podcast, that's equivalent to 514 days (!) of engagement with the brand.


Bigger with every episode

TikTok sensation Francis Bourgeois' episode has been the biggest hit so far - with 7.5k listens (and counting!).

We're seeing a snowball effect with the series, with every episode bigger than the last - this shows we are growing a loyal follower base.

In the Apple podcasts charts we've hit top 60 in Society & Culture and we're placed 19th in the Personal Journeys chart. This is great for the midway point of the podcast - and we expect to see this rise as the series continues.


Engaging with Podcast social content

Beyond the podcast itself, we've had 3.55 million video views, 4.37 million content impressions and 51,400 engagements on our podcast social content.

Rory Reid's own Show on the Road episode, shot by the YouTube team for their audience to promote the podcast, has currently amassed 247,000 views and driven over 1,000 podcast downloads alone.


Series 1 Passengers​​​​​​​

Our guests for series one span various lifestyle interests, from reality TV to sports, cooking, and even train-spotting(!), guaranteeing a diverse audience, many of whom don’t typically engage with Auto Trader. As Britain's Biggest Matchmaker, we have matched each guest to a car most suited to them and their stories.


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