Working Retail Back with Auto Trader Valuations
Maximising Valuations: Make smarter sourcing and pricing decisions with the retail back method
Unlike traditional pricing methods, retail back pricing is designed to help you make the most out of every sale, this is even more effective when making use of our valuations, helping you buy with confidence when sourcing vehicles for your forecourt.
Our valuations provide you with an independent and trusted valuation whether you’re buying at auction or assessing a potential part exchange. By combining our valuations with the retail back method you can achieve your targets and potentially generate stronger profits from each sale.
What is retail back?
The retail back method is a simple equation that starts with the Auto Trader retail valuation. This shows you how much you’re likely sell a vehicle for in the current retail market. Now simply deduct your estimated prep costs and desired profit margin to arrive at the maximum buy price you should pay for that vehicle.
By using our retail valuations when working retail back you can be sure that our unique and trusted valuations are providing you with the most up to date and accurate view of the live market. We also provide a trade valuation, which you can use as a guide of what you can expect a vehicle to sell for at auction before you arrive, Used in combination with the retail back method, you’ll have confidence when sourcing stock by knowing how likely a vehicle is to sell within your maximum buy price.
Importance of retail back
By working retail back, you can calculate quickly and easily what price you should pay for a vehicle to ensure you are still able to make a profit. By using our valuations to understand the retail value of vehicles you can prevent paying too much for a vehicle, saving you time and most importantly money.
For further details on the importance of working retail back why not check out the dedicated masterclass here.
How to apply our valuations
Now that you know what retail back is and how our valuations can help you with pricing and sourcing, lets explore how to access this within your systems.
If you are a Portal customer our valuations are now easier to access and can be seen within the stock view and in our brand new Vehicle Insight dashboard.
When sourcing stock make sure to use the handy retail check tool located in portal where you can simply enter in the vehicle registration and mileage, and the vehicles valuation will be returned, then perform a vehicle check to utilise our pricing tool that will automatically apply the retail back method and give you the maximum price you should pay for the vehicle.
Retail Check
Retail back calculator
Auto Trader Connect
For Auto Trader Connect customers, applying the retail back methodology and using Auto Trader Valuations is slightly different, we are constantly working with partners to enable our valuations directly within your own systems and while some may be readily available, others may require a partnership request for the work to be completed. To find out how to access valuations within your own systems or request access please contact your partner or speak to your account manager.
However you choose to manage your stock we have made our valuations more accessible to you when working retail back and helping you access our data to make more informed decisions when sourcing and pricing stock.
If you want to learn more about what makes our valuations unique and trusted check out the video below.