Upcoming changes to the Leads API

As part of our continued efforts to improve Auto Trader Connect, we have begun to transition all Partners from our Leads API to our new Deals API.

This will enable improved functionality, creating a better experience for all Partners & Retailers and supports the brand new Deal Builder journey on Auto Trader alongside traditional enquiries.

Miss the webinar? We introduced the Deal Builder journey and took an in-depth look at the transition from Leads to Deals.

What is changing and how will it affect me?

As part of the transition from Leads to Deals we will be making several changes including:

  • The Deals API will take over responsibility for exposing both marketplace enquiries and deals submitted via the new Deal Builder journey in a single service.

  • Once the Deals API can support marketplace enquiries, support for the Leads API will be maintained for a further 12 months, providing enough time for Partners to migrate ahead of decommissioning.

  • All improvements to how we share consumer data to sellers will only be supported via the Deals API going forward.

  • A technical migration document will support Partners in analysing and planning the required changes. However, our teams will be on hand to answer any queries to aid this migration

This change is considered breaking changes and we advise Partners & Retailer Integrators to commence migration as early as possible and prior to service decommissioning to avoid disruption.

The deadline for all migration works to be completed is 31st March 2026. This is a breaking change and failure to complete this work by the deadline will result in a disruption to your service.

See the full breakdown of the changes and what you need to do in our dedicated technical migration document:

If you require support or have any questions about moving from the Leads API to the Deals API, please contact our Partner Team on: autotraderpartnerteam@autotrader.co.uk

Why is the Leads API being retired?

The Leads API has been providing access to customer enquiries for some time now. However, with the introduction of Deal Builder, we have taken the opportunity to update the service, so we can surface marketplace enquiries alongside new omnichannel enquiries.

The primary benefits of the Deals API include:

• Support for all customer journeys, including both the classified and Deal Builder in a single service, removing the need to integrate to multiple services to capture all consumer interactions.

• All consumer interactions are consolidated into single, updatable records, removing any need to stitch fragmented enquiries together.

• The API is designed to offer new features, such as adding and sending finance applications direct to lenders, which Partners can quickly and easily bolt on in addition to capturing the core customer information.

Example of how existing lead types will be formed as Deals



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