Supporting you with March 24 plate change
Raising awareness of plate change month
Friday 1 March 2024 marked the first release of new cars for 2024 and the release of the new 24 number plate.
To support you with this, we’ve once again launched a consumer marketing campaign on the same day, designed to raise awareness of plate change month and direct traffic to our new vehicle pages.
With over 1 million buyers a month actively searching for their next brand-new vehicle, our focus is on highlighting vehicles that are in stock and available now, giving confidence to consumers that they can still get the vehicle they want, when they want.
New landing page creatives
Onsite we have new hero creatives showcasing the '24' number plate live across our new car, leasing, new bike and new van pages.
Capturing engagement through Social Media
We will be using our social media channels, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to capture engagement through gamification style posts throughout the month.
We'll be getting consumers to ‘Guess the 24 plate’ with silhouettes of one of the new 24 plate vehicles and asking them to get involved with our ‘Would you rather’ posts, asking consumers if they would rather a new 24 plate vehicle or 24… ipads, spa days etc.
Reaching over 1.5 million consumers through email
We will be contacting consumers who have opted into our marketing emails (over 1.5million) showcasing stock and directing traffic to the pages over the course of the month.
How we bring more buyers to site
The 24 March plate change campaign is one of many campaigns and partnerships we do to ensure we're always front of mind when consumers are thinking about their next vehicle.
We have a consumer marketing page live on our Trade website, sharing details on how we bring more buyers to site, so you can see how we continually invest to get people onto your adverts.
From our Britain's biggest matchmaker campaigns, our Show on the Road Podcast, our signature monthly Electric Vehicle giveaway, and growing partnerships, to reaching over 2 million consumers on email or 1.8 million people on social media.