Enabling vans to be part-exchanged through Deal Builder

From next week, we’re allowing consumers to part-exchange a van when buying a car through Deal Builder. This is the first step towards enabling vans to be sold through Deal Builder later this year.

For now, vans submitted through this Deal Builder part-exchange journey will not provide the consumer with a valuation. Instead, we’ll collect details about the van and share that information with you. You can then pick this up with the consumer directly once they submit their deal.

Information collected about the van includes: 

  • Registration

  • Mileage

  • Outstanding finance

  • Whether the van has been modified

  • Van condition (graded on a scale of options, same as is for cars)

Selecting which vehicle types you accept in part-exchange

You can now choose which vehicle types you accept in part-exchange; whether you want to accept Cars, Vans or both. You can update your part-exchange preferences in Portal now by heading to ‘Digital Retailing’ within your Account drop-down menu in Portal now.

If you do not update your preferences, both cars and vans will be automatically selected. 

If you choose not to accept a vehicle type in part-exchange, the following message will be displayed when a consumer tries to submit one in part-exchange:


How Precision Motor Group are using Deal Builder to maximise conversion and efficiency